Cat Profile


Ginny was found by a kind lady who took her in out of the cold in a shocking state, badly malnourished, dehydrated and barely able to stand. The lady fell in love with Ginny but sadly could not keep her as she had other pets. Having contacted us, she was placed with a fosterer who has been nursing her back to health over recent weeks. Amazingly, after IV rehydration then veterinary tests, good food and lots of tlc, Ginny has now been given a clean bill of health and bears no resemblance to the cat she was a few weeks ago. We are unsure of her age, but think she is probably about 4 years old.

Ginny is a calm and trusting cat but definitely a survivor given what she has gone through. She is very loving by nature and really responds to attention, meowing when you chat to her. She snuggles up to her fosterer on her sofa as soon as she sits down but is not a lap cat. She has started playing now that she has the energy to do so and even rolls over on her back for a belly rub, but don’t become complacent as she will let you know what is acceptable or not with a quick punch (claws in)! Safest with no young children.

Ginny really deserves a calm, loving home where she is the only cat, although she would be quite happy in a busier household too as she is very sociable and really thrives on just being close to ‘her family’. Ginny may eventually appreciate a secure outside space to explore, although not surprisingly, she currently seems frightened of the big outside world, given her recent trauma.

Technical Bits: Ginny will be vaccinated and microchipped before homing. We do not know if she has been neutered, so if she comes into season now she is in better health, Cat Whiskers will fund the spay. Ginny will go home with 5 weeks free pet insurance.

If you think that you can offer dear Ginny her forever home, please complete the adoption form below or email us.